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How to apply.."โครงการสร้างโลกสดใสฯ" ให้กับผู้ที่ใช้คอมพิวเตอร์ไม่เป็น ภาษาอังกฤษ

  • คุณไม่สามารถตั้งกระทู้ใหม่ได้
  • กรุณาลงชื่อเข้าใช้เพื่อตอบกระทู้
มี 1 โพสต์ตอบกลับกระทู้นี้

#1 phani

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โพสต์เมื่อ 24 June 2014 - 04:51 PM

 วิธีสมัคร โครงการสร้างโลกสดใสด้วยสันติสุขภายใน 24น. 

ให้กับผู้ที่ใช้คอมพิวเตอร์ไม่เป็น  ภาษาอังกฤษ



How to apply to be a participant in the project of “24 Hours of Stopping the Mind to Create 

the Special Inner land” for people who are not adept computer users.
How to apply for people who cannot use computers or not convenient to apply and send the 
meditation results through online system, but have other applicants participating in this project who 
has usernames apply for them.
For example, people applying for their parents or family members who are not capable of using 
computers, the zone coordinators applying for merit leaders living in upcountry areas.
1. The people who apply for others have to possess a username and already applied as a 
2. The people who apply for others must be responsible for sending meditation results of 
people whom they applied for.
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1. Open web browser which you use, for example, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox 
and type in  www.dmc.tv/072
2. Click the red button “Login”. ( For new applicants, please click on the button “register”)
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3. Type in username and the password.
4. Click “Enter the system” (if applying through facebook or twitter, click the icon on the right).
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5. Click the picture to go back to the webpage of “The 24 Hours of Stopping the Mind Project “.
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6. You will be back at your personal page with your name and last name shown.
7. Click the menu “Show the Applicants I Applied For”
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8. You will see your name with the blue right on, meaning the name and last name shown is 
the owner of the username which has just logged in.
Green means to insert pictures
Red means pictures not inserted 
Green means the applicant have already clicked to acknowledge all requirements
Red means the applicant have not clicked to acknowledge all requirements
Green means the applicant have already chosen the time slot for meditation
Red means the applicant have not chosen the time slot for meditation
9. Click the light blue button “Add a New Applicant’
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10. Type in the name and last name of the applicant whom you want to apply for. Then, click the 
light blue button “Add a New Applicant”
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11. The screen will show the name and last name of the people whom you apply for. You should 
record the personal information of that person before clicking the light blue button “Record 
and Move On to Insert the Photo”.
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12. Insert the photo, then click the light blue button “Record and Read the Requirements to 
Participate in the Project”
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13. Check the eight requirements and do not forget to inform all the requirements to people 
whom we apply for. Click green to “Record and Choose the Meditation Time Slot”
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14. Choose the time slot for meditation for the people whom we apply for. Then click 
“Record and Start Recording the Meditation Results”
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15. You will be brought back to the main page of people whom you apply for. You can notice 
that the name and last name of people whom we apply for. If you want to apply for another 
applicant, click “Show the Applicant Whom I Apply For”
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16. Click the light blue button “Add a New Applicant” and follow the procedures 
mentioned above. Insert the name and last name, personal information, insert the photo, 
click ‘Acknowledge’, choose the time slot for meditation. You can add as many as applicants 
as you wish.
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17. After you finish with the procedures, you go back to the menu page “Show All the 
Applicants Whom I Applied For”
18. If you want to fill in the meditation results for the people whom we applied for, click the 
name of that applicant.
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19. The system will show the main page with the name and last name of people who we 
want to record the meditation results. Click “Send the Meditation Results of the Week” or 
click “Send the Result”.
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20. Record the meditation results of people whom we apply. Once finished, click the green 
button “record the meditation results”
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21. The results of meditation you typed will appear on the screen. Click “Show the 
Applicants Whom I applied For” to record the meditation results of other people.
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22. Click the names of other applicants, then follow the mentioned procedures.
** Notes** You can edit personal information, photos, the meditation time slot of people 
whom we applied for by clicking the light blue button or delete the applicants by clicking the 
red buttons.


#2 kotchapornda

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โพสต์เมื่อ 03 December 2014 - 07:31 PM

อนุโมทนาสาธุด้วยนะคะ  ^_^