Contentment # 1

Contentment means “happiness with oneself and one’s possessions.” More precisely, it means becoming satisfied with what you have

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Meditation for Peace
Contentment # 1
“A drop of water can fill a glass, but a river cannot fill the ocean.
In the same way, even a small amount of money can make a difference to the person who knows contentment. On the contrary,
No matter how much wealth a person may have, for those who don’t know contentment, it will only add to that person’s discontentment.”
Definition of Contentment
Contentment means “happiness with oneself and one’s possessions.” More precisely, it means becoming satisfied with what you have. Contentment is a concept which could be misunderstood by some people. Some think that the idea of contentment makes people stagnant, something which blocks the economic progress. Some blame it for standing in the way of economic progress. So we should understand the real concept of “contentment” including its benefit and danger.
Characteristics of Contentment
The people who are content with themselves must have these three characteristics.
1. Contentment with what we already have.
2. Contentment with what we get.
3. Contentment with modest
1. Contentment with what we already have:
Even though we do not have all the things that we would like to have, we should learn to be happy with what we already have. This does not necessarily mean that we should stop thinking about making further progress. Without using illegal or corrupt methods, people should strive to achieve further progress.
The shoe mender work in the gutter taking pride of and earnestly working his job. He is mindful and detail-oriented to get client established, and expand to a larger business. This is a good example of this type of contentment.
When the person content with what they already have, they would restlessly keep the progress. The contentment gives us the encouragement to expand effort on the things we come into contact with. But the discontentment will causes the person tiresomeness and bothersome.
The contentment in what we already have is an instrument to vanquish laziness, bothersome and the greed to steal away other’s belongings
2. Contentment with what you get:
This means we should be able to accept the outcome of our actions, even though they are not exactly what we expected People who lack of this type of contentment will tend to assume that they are destined to misfortune. They tend to blame themselves instead of being contended with the successful part of what they achieved. They tend to be detested, bothersome and attached to what they did not achieved.
 A fisherman lacking such contentment will always think that the fish that escaped his net are larger than the ones he has caught. So he hate the fish he caught, but like the one that escape. In the end he spends his whole life eating the fish he disappointed with. Thus he never enjoys his fish to his dying day, because he always thinks that the most delicious one is the one that he did not catch.
3. Contentment with modest: in practice, this means not feel overwhelmed when you are content or discontent with the things. Stay in equanimity.
Type of Contentment
There are 3 types of contentment
1. Contentment with what we received.
2. Contentment with what appropriate to our potency.
3. Contentment with what appropriate to our status.
1. Contentment with what we already have:
Even though we do not have all the things that we would like to have, we should learn to be happy with what we already have. This does not necessarily mean that we should stop thinking about making further progress. Without using illegal or corrupt methods, people should strive to achieve further progress.
The shoe mender work in the gutter taking pride of and earnestly working his job. He is mindful and detail-oriented to get client impressions. So he is able to save up the income, become well established, and expand to a larger business. This is a good example of this type of contentment.
When the person content with what they already have, they would restlessly keep the progress. The contentment gives us the encouragement to expand effort on the things we come into contact with. But the discontentment will causes the person tiresomeness and bothersome.
The contentment in what we already have is an instrument to vanquish laziness, bothersome and the greed to steal away other’s belongings
2. Contentment with what you get:
This means we should be able to accept the outcome of our actions, even though they are not exactly what we expected People who lack of this type of contentment will tend to assume that they are destined to misfortune. They tend to blame themselves instead of being contended with the successful part of what they achieved. They tend to be detested, bothersome and attached to what they did not achieved.
A fisherman lacking such contentment will always think that the fish that escaped his net are larger than the ones he has caught. So he hate the fish he caught, but like the one that escape. In the end he spends his whole life eating the fish he disappointed with. Thus he never enjoys his fish to his dying day, because he always thinks that the most delicious one is the one that he did not catch.
3. Contentment with modest: in practice, this means not feel overwhelmed when you are content or discontent with the things. Stay in equanimity.
Type of Contentment
There are 3 types of contentment
1. Contentment with what we received.
2. Contentment with what appropriate to our potency.
3. Contentment with what appropriate to our status.
1. Contentment with what we received
We should not be disappointed when the outcome is not as we expected, but instead we should increase our efforts to achieve our objectives. For example, a civil servant who is working hared expects to get promoted in two steps, but ends up getting only one step. Instead of getting disappointed, he should work harder to improve his performances hoping that it will help him to achieve his goal.
2. Contentment with what appropriate to our potency
People have unequal potency in physical strength and mental capacity. We should know our potency and accept what is appropriate for our personal potency. Do not misjudge yourself by assuming that you can be same as with a person with different potency. For example, if you knom that your capabilities are only good enough to take the responsibilities of a minister in the parliament, do not strive to be the prime Minister.
3. Contentment with what appropriate to our status:
We should consider what our socio-economic status and be happy with what we get. We can be a monastic, a householder, a senior, a junior, a teacher, a student, a military general, a lieutenant, a sergeant, a director, a clerk – and accept what ought to be appropriate to the socio economic status we occupy. If we are a manual worker, you should not being pretentious things inappropriate to your status, showing off your colleague or director with extravagance furniture or accessories. This can cause jealousness and some bad impact on you in the work place.
All type of contentment has to base on morality. Even of something is appropriate to our status and potential, but if it is inappropriate to the level of Precepts we observe such things should be avoided. If it will discredit us or compromise our dignity to receive it, then we should not be contended to receive that kind of thing. For example, stolen objects, an illegal salary earned, so that we are not caught up with the greediness of taking the possession without end.
Wrong Notions on Contentment
In some instances people misunderstand ‘Contentment’ thinking that what it means is being satisfied with what they have and stay doing nothing or being content and stay in isplation from the others.
The Buddha never taught his disciple to be lazy, backsliding or to avoid work – or to be inert or unresponsive in a way that impedes progress and prosperity, as is often misunderstood. On the contrary, this blessing emphasizes that when each person understand his/her own strengths and weaknesses and their place in society, contentment will arise of its own accord. Such contentment will ensure that everyone will be content with what they have, what they receive and what is appropriate to them, thus eliminate the tendency to compete mercilessly with one another over material possessions creating jealousy and selfishness.
Social progress requires both contentment and the investment of effort. Effort without contentment could be like a car without brakes that cannot be controlled.
Thus contentment is one of the most vital virtues for the progress of an individual, family and even a nation. The mind of a person versed in contentment is best to instill other higher virtue. Those who know contentment will be able to restlessly cultivate the virtue with the most honest of intentions. The society progress slowly not because people are content but because there is lack of contentment among people.


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