What is the most important belief for monks?


Dhamma Articles > Frequently Asked Questions
[ Jun 30th, 2008 ] - [ read : 18279 ]
What is your most important belief?
by: Venerable Nicolas Thanissaro

In Buddhism, we tend to emphasise more on practice than on what we believe. However, there are eight forms of ideal world view we try to train ourselves towards known as Right View. I will list them out for you, so you can compare them with the beliefs you find in other religions:
  • that sharing is a good thing
  • that welfare work is a good thing
  • that respect should be paid to those of high virtue
  • that our good and bad actions have karmic consequences
  • that the present existence really exists
  • that the afterlife really exists
  • that we have a debt of gratitude to our mother; that we have a debt of gratitude to our father
  • that spontaneously arising beings (e.g. angels) really exist;
  • that wise enlightened ones really exist



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