Building Good Foundations for Life

“A salesman makes profit because of a good location, capital and good administration

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 21 ก.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18264 ]
Meditation fo Peace
Building Good Foundations for Life
A farmer makes a profit because of good soil, good seed and good
A farmer makes a profit because of good soil, good seed and good administration.
“A salesman makes profit because of a good location, capital and good administration.
A farmer makes a profit because of good soil, good seed and good administration.
A congregation member, even if they an amenable location and have accrued merit in their past, if they don’t cultivate further merits, their previous merits will become exhausted, their environment will deteriorate and they might die before making a success in their lives.
A salesman makes profit because of a good location, capital and good administration.
A salesman makes profit because of a good location, capital and good administration.
A congregation member, even if they have an amenable location and have accrued merit in their past, if they don’t cultivate further merits, their previous merits will become exhausted, their environment will deteriorate and they might die before making a success in their lives.
Thus instead of just using up one’s old merits, one needs to accrue new merit.”
Thus instead of just using up one's old merits, one needs to accrue new merit.
Thus instead of just using up one’s old merits, one needs to accrue new merit.


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