Tips on how to Recognize a Fool:

Sometimes it can be quiet hard to recognize a fool, as on the surface they may seem just like us, they seem okay, they have a crowd of friends, families and go to school or work

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Meditation for Peace
Tips on how to Recognize a Fool:
They may come from good backgrounds, be clever and highly educated
Sometimes it can be quiet hard to recognize a fool, as on the surface they may seem just like us, they seem okay, they have a crowd of friends, families and go to school or work.
They may come from good backgrounds, be clever and highly educated, may be handsome or beautiful, may have good jobs and positions of power.
a fool may persuade their friends to skip school, steal others’ money, use drugs, etc.
1. However, a fool does not follow acceptable standards of behaviour, pushes boundaries and is argumentative; may have good jobs and positions of power.
2. They try hard to persuade others to follow their example by boasting, appearing ‘big’ or ‘hard’ by defying usual codes of usual good behaviour. They give a bad example to others and even offer advice on how to be foolish.
3. For instance, a fool may persuade their friends to skip school, steal others’ money, use drugs, etc.
4. However, the main signs of a fool are their behaviour and speech, which is of a coarse standard and unacceptable for good people to be around, to imitate or to follow.

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