Ways in which we can help our self not to mix with fools:

Be continually aware of not behaving with negative actions or speech however minor, as there is always a risk that they can lead to bigger things if we are not careful https://dmc.tv/a11185

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Meditation for Peace
Ways in which we can help our self not to mix with fools:
 Practice forgiveness of others and your self and continue doing good deeds.
 Practice forgiveness of others and your self and continue doing good deeds.
1. Be continually aware of not behaving with negative actions or speech however minor, as there is always a risk that they can lead to bigger things if we are not careful.
2. Start from the moment you open your eyes every morning, place your thoughts on the positive and start the day with a cheerful smile.
3. Stop yourself constantly thinking a bout what happened yeaterday as it is past. Learn from mistakes and don’t repeat them.
4. Practice forgiveness of others and your self and continue doing good deeds.
5. Practice good deeds, keep the precepts and meditate regularly.
6. Avoid speaking to, listening to or reading about fools, so that we do not have a constant reminder of their foolishness.
Practice good deeds, keep the precepts and meditate regularly.
Practice good deeds, keep the precepts and meditate regularly.
7. Try to accumulate good deeds, by thinking, reading, listening and spealing about positive things. This will include reading Dhamma, listening to wise monks and speaking about those who do good deeds.
8. If we have to be near a fool, then we need to be aware of the dangers and be careful not be negatively influenced by them.
9. To counter their influence we must meditate, do good deeds and keep the precepts.
10. Keep your mind as clear as possible by meditation practice and full of happy, joyful thoughts.
11. Practice being cheerful, happy and loving, with a smile like the sunshine to spread and light up the dullest of days!
12. We have to continually remind our self that there is nothing more important than striving towards the elimination of the ‘internal fool’.


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