The First 294 Novices Ordination Ceremony in Bangladesh

The First 294 Novices Ordination Ceremony in Bangladesh.

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[ Mar 31st, 2012 ] - [ read : 18280 ]
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The First 294 Novices Ordination Ceremony in Bangladesh
Synopsised from Inner Dreams Kindergarten Program Broadcasted on DMC

The first historic ordination was magnificently sacred and splendid.

Now flourishing Buddhism trend in Bangladesh is prominently clearer every minute.  Especially, the cooperation between both Buddhist Thais and Bangladeshis since offering of 250 Dhammakaya images to many Bangladeshi temples in 2010.  Moreover, the phenomenon of 294 real men ordained to restore Buddhism and to worship Venerable Bana Pantae under the project "Buddhist Novices Ordination during 2-18 January 2012".

 The group of supporters of this project led by Raja Davasis Roy (at center) who is the leader of local Buddhists from Chakmar clan and the other supporters from Thailand.

Phrakru Worra Kitti Sophon, the abbot of Nagphrok Temple, was an honor preceptor for the Dhammadayada.

Venerable Bana Pantae is the most respectful monk among Bangladeshis.  After his novice ordination when he was 29 years old, he strictly practiced an ascetic five ways in the deep forest for total 12 rainy seasons. After his monk ordination, he kept practicing at the highest level of effort until the worshippers realized his several superb experiences.  Finally, the royal family donated the land and established the Racha Bana temple for him in 1975.

 Venerable Bana Pantae in different ages

Venerable Satsana Nanta Maha Taro ( Bana Pantae),  taught people everyday under his mature age and poor health condition. He became the center of overwhelmed faith among the Bangladeshis. His supreme wish was the restoration of Buddhism and flourishing of Dhammadayadas; and his successful wish was clearly proofed by the successfully hard-trained 294 novices.  Sadly, 12 days later after the project was completed, he passed away at the age of 93 years old.

The Kathina Ceremony at Wat Raja Bana (on the left side) and also 93 years birthday ceremony of Venerable Bana Puntae on 8th January 2012(Below) commenced in the same day. Over hundred thousand people joined these ceremonies every year.

The ordination is an important beginning to restore the Buddhism. To succeed this, all novices have started cleaning, although they have never done it before. Traditionally, local people believed that this job is only for laypeople, not for the monks. So thus, this was the first time that the Bangladeshi monks and novice enjoyed their cleaning duty.

 The Most Venerable Bana Pantae joined the ordination ceremony of the 294 novices to worship his 93rd birthday with the highest alert. 
Even though the average age of participants was about 25 years old, they were interested in Buddhism and shown their intention by respectfully sitting still and be ready for their mentor's next order.

The Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni offered the coffin inlaid with mother of pearl for keeping the late Most Venerable Bana Pantae's body.  Therefore his disciples would be able to pay their respects and recall the Most Venerable Bana Pantae's effort on restoration of Buddhism in Bangladesh.

This ordination ceremony has generated the new trend for local people to join Buddhism activities for accumulating merits.  For example,  3,000 people joined the alms offering to new 1,255 monks and novices ceremony. After the ceremony has done, both monks and laypeople's faces covered with tears of joy because they have never done this before.  Dhammadayadas also followed the Dhammachai Dhutanga in Thailand by walking on bare feet for almost a kilometre from down town to the island to let laypeople earn the merits

Dhammadayadas alertly earned merit by cleaning

 Chavon Kumar Barau novice
During the meditation time, the ambient was gently calm and sacred.  Dhammadayada named Chavon Kumar Barau explained that when he relaxed his whole body then he started reciting  “Samma Arahang.”  After that, he felt comfortable and saw the clear crystal ball at the centre of his body.  The longer he practiced meditation, the clearer the crystal ball is. Moreover, he told that his body became brighter and brighter, and gained the happiness on earth.  Not only novice but also many laypeople would like to know, educate, and practice meditation.  The staff immediately made a decision to arrange the special Ubasok and Ubasika training projects.

 Bangladeshi Dhammadayada novices stood in the line and spelled the phrase “A-go Toy Chuk Boya A nae” translated as working as a team brings happiness to everyone.

 The historic alms offering ceremony to the 1,255 monks
touched all attendees being in the tears of joy.

It was very efficient to arrange five merit-collecting events at the first visit consists of novice ordination, alms offering sustenance to the 1255 monks, Dhutanga, training courses for Ubasok and Ubasika, and releasing floating lanterns also included.  Every activity has strengthened the unity of teamwork of four Buddhist companies to restore Buddhism.  After the project ended, 10 novices volunteered to continue their duties.  For other completed-joining novices established Bangladeshi Dhamma- Heirs Association to be paragon and they are planning for the coming 1,000 monks ordination ceremony. The Bangladeshi Supreme Buddhist-patriarch kindly intends to be the head of monastic community for the next mentioned event.  Mr. Paraj Barau, the generous millionaire donated 10 million Taka (4 million baht) and he will gather all Buddhist networks and set the committees for arranging 1,000 monks ordination ceremony, and also establish the first Bangladeshi International Meditation Centre.

  International Dhammachai Dhutanga of Bangladeshi novices was welcome by Laypeople who were distributing flower petals and saying "Sadhu" all the way.

 The whole villagers welcomed Dhutanga and everyone offered Pana drinks for monks.

 During the project, novices practiced meditation and found their real inner happiness.

When Ubasok and Ubasika had an opportunity to learning Dhamma and practise meditation, training area was fully covered by 1,000 people

Before the end of the project, the Thais and Bangladeshis lighted the candles and the lanterns together to pay homage to the Lord Buddha and harmony.

 With the success of teamwork spirit (in Pali “Sukha Sangasa Samakkee)” , the only existing 0.7 percent will re-generate new-page historic prosperity to Buddhism.

The video of the ordination of 294 novices in Bangladesh

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Translated by Sopit Todhunter
Edited by Flt.Lt.Nattaphon Yothinphanawes


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