Longest journey walking on flower petals

The longest journey walking on flower petals is 453.0 km (281.48 miles) and was achieved by 1,129 Buddhist monks, who walked across Thailand on the 3rd Dhammachai Dhutanga pilgrimage to welcome the year 2014 in Thailand, between 2 and 28 January 2014. https://dmc.tv/a18356

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > เรื่องเด่นทันเหตุการณ์
[ 8 ก.ค. 2557 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18268 ]
Longest journey walking on flower petals

The longest journey walking on flower petals is 453.0 km (281.48 miles) and was achieved by 1,129 Buddhist monks, who walked across Thailand on the 3rd Dhammachai Dhutanga pilgrimage to welcome the year 2014 in Thailand, between 2 and 28 January 2014.

This is the third Dhammachai Dhutanga pilgrimage each having set a record in this category. As in previous years, the monks walked from temple to temple resting overnight, travelling through seven Thai provinces. They walked on marigold petals the entire time. The petals were laid out by the population along the route shortly before the arrival of the monks to ensure that were fresh. There were two separate days when they didn't walk in order to attend Buddhist ceremonies. / http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/6000/longest-journey-walking-on-flower-petals



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