What is meditation? You might have heard about meditation or even practiced it before. But whatever it is, we will present you with the myriad aspects and the benefits of meditation beyond giving you peace and relaxation. This is the meditation program for all who love peace and discovering themselves.

  บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > > What is meditation? You might have heard about meditation or even practiced it before. But whatever it is, we will present you with the myriad aspects and the benefits of meditation beyond giving you peace and relaxation. This is the meditation program for all who love peace and discovering themselves.

  Being good and being responsible - ผู้อ่าน 18273
Responsibility is the mindfulness to perform those actions that promote the greater good for yourself and others. When we are responsible, we contribute to the well being of ourselves and others. To be responsible we must have brave hearts and the determination to take risks to protect society from harm. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  The Peaceful Mind Begins from Being Good - ผู้อ่าน 18260
A good person is a person with a clean or pure mind. A pure mind enables anyone to know how to respond well to his duty and to our society. There is goodness within every human being. How do we encourage bringing this goodness into consistent practice? อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  The Peaceful Mind-Beginning of the Peaceful World - ผู้อ่าน 18257
This phrase is short and clear, but how many people will realize how important it is and apply it in their lives? The words “clean the world” in this phrase certainly include not only cleaning tangible things (removing pollutants, wastes, etc.) but also cleaning intangible things (eliminating hatred, greed, etc.). อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  The Noble Eightfold Path - ผู้อ่าน 18271
Whatever we do, we have to begin by understanding our goals correctly. We might start by asking ourselves why we have to do it. If we understand why, then we will try to do it properly. There are two major correct understanding. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Willpower - ผู้อ่าน 18261
Wherever we are sad, dealing with a loss or a disappointment that causes sorrow and distress, we can meditate to keep our mind calm, focused and positive as well as to provide us with the willpower to continue. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Open your Heart to the Journey - ผู้อ่าน 18262
Spouses should cherish each other. The longer they live together, the more they should care for one another. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  An Ancient Secret for the New Millennium - ผู้อ่าน 18260
The Dhammakaya is the pure and original nature residing in every human being regardless of their nationality, religion, or ethnicity. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Sharing loving kindness - ผู้อ่าน 18263
The sharing of loving kindness is something we can do everyday, both before and after daily meditation. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Manner of Peace - ผู้อ่าน 18266
We should make a sincere effort to make peace happen in this world before we die. We can leave this life happily if we know we have accomplished this. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Similarities in the Differences - ผู้อ่าน 18274
Achieving inner happiness is necessary in order to create peace for yourself as an individual, for your country and for the world. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  The Origin of World Peace - ผู้อ่าน 18259
Everyone wishes to live in a world of peace and happiness. Peace is very precious to all human beings. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Universal Love - ผู้อ่าน 18261
Universal love is a love for everyone. There is no lust or desire involved. With goodwill we wish for everyone to find happiness in body and mind and to attain the Dhammakaya. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Loving Ourselves - ผู้อ่าน 18261
When we talk about loving ourselves, we are not referring to selfishness. Learning to love ourselves is very important. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Anger at Different Times, but Love at the Same Time - ผู้อ่าน 18261
Selecting a spouse is a life-changing decision. Out of the billions of people on earth, we choose only one with whom to spend the most difficult part. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  True Happiness along the Middle way - ผู้อ่าน 18260
Every person in the world desires happiness, hates suffering, and hopes to find true fulfillment. But billions of people have yet to learn the nature of true happiness. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  The Universal Sentiment Expressed - ผู้อ่าน 18260
People may have external differences, but their innermost self is the same. It is the similarities that transcend their differences. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  True Happiness and Inner Peace - ผู้อ่าน 18262
Meditation is aimed for peace and happiness. The real nature of meditation is the lesson learned by experience, by the feeling inside or by the inner self. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  World Peace - ผู้อ่าน 18263
The beginning training lesson described already is meditation practice. This is the path for building peace in human society. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Inner Serenity - ผู้อ่าน 18265
The many thoughts swirling around dissipate until there is only one thought remaining. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  World Peace Begins with Inner Peace - ผู้อ่าน 18265
Happiness is what all human beings seek. A philosopher can consider history up to the present and define happiness according to many concepts and theories. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  Our Mind Can Change the World - ผู้อ่าน 18262
Good day ladies and gentlemen. I’m so proud to present the topic “ Our mind can change the world ” to you today. Let’s see how our mind relates to the world. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  We Can Change the World - ผู้อ่าน 18261
Peace cannot be achieved through the work of one person or organisation. It requires a concerted effort from everyone. To achieve peace, we will need the participation of every single person. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  A Treasure that Cannot Be Bought - ผู้อ่าน 18259
World peace through inner happiness is less costly than any war, and its result is more effective and enduring. Fighting a war requires an immense budget, equipment and the sacrifice of human lives. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  If you truly want peace to happen - ผู้อ่าน 18256
May I ask you this one thing? Do you really want World Peace? Only if you will believe It will come true อ่านเรื่องต่อ 
  The Source of Happiness and Peace - ผู้อ่าน 18264
The differences among beliefs, cultures, customs, nationalities, religions or languages are only superficial external differences. อ่านเรื่องต่อ 

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