Living in a Suitable Environment

“A bodhi tree that grows up in a pot will have life, but its growth will be hindered by the space that is available for it to grow in the pot

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Meditation for Peace
Living in a Suitable Environment
A bodhi tree that grows up in a pot will have life
A bodhi tree that grows up in a pot will have life
“A bodhi tree that grows up in a pot will have life, but its growth will be hindered by the space that is available for it to grow in the pot.
If that same tree is given good fertile soil, with adequate water and drainage, plus enough space to set down firm roots, the result will be a healthy, big tree with beautiful long branches.
its growth will be hindered by the space that is available for it to grow in the pot.
its growth will be hindered by the space that is available for it to grow in the pot.
If we put people with the same knowledge, ability and wisdom, but in a different environment, their spiritual development will be different.
A talented person in a wilderness can barely get any use out of those talents.
If humans stay in a bad or negative environment, it will be difficult for them to grow to their fullest potential. If they stay in an area conducive to growth, as a result they will make positive progress very easily.


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Dhammakaya Temple


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