A True Buddhist

When I reviewed my notes from a sermon given by a respected senior monk during my research for this book, I incidentally came monk during my research for this book, https://dmc.tv/a13877

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Meditation for Peace
A True Buddhist
Belief in the Lord Buddha’s Enlightenment.
Belief in the Lord Buddha’s Enlightenment.
When I reviewed my notes from a sermon given by a respected senior monk during my research for this book, I incidentally came monk during my research for this book, I incidentally came upon a valuable message. That is, “What is the most significant cause of Buddhism’s decline?”
The respected senior monk said, “Buddhism never declines by itself; it is people who lessen their faith in Buddhism.”
“The significant cause for its decline is a “fool.”6  fools can be categorized into the External Fool and the Internal Fool.
1) External Fools include non-Buddhists. They are determined to demolish Buddhism, whether they are of other religious affiliations or not. They typically try to cast aspersions upon Buddhist monks. When given the chance, they distort  Buddhist teachings, causing misunderstandings and confusion. There are great numbers of this type of fool, who try to demolish Buddhism in their everyday lives.
2) Internal Fools include Buddhists who do not respect the Lord Buddha. They doubt His enlightenment, disrespect His enlightenment, disrespect His teachings, and disregard the practice of His teachings. They also disrespect the Sangha (monks) who practice righteousness and possess insight. Most importantly, they disrespect the practice of meditation for a peaceful mind. Even when they lack reverence for only part of the Triple Gem,7 they become Internal Fools in Buddhism. None of them will ever gain any benefit from being Buddhists.
“When these Internal Fools have been disrespectful to the Triple Gem, it is because they do not appreciate the value of Buddhism. As a result, they won’t be able to guard themselves against External Fools who develop strategies to are like any of them and if we have performed our duties as true Buddhists yet or not.
Belief in the Law of Kamma, not in superstitions. We should possess a true understanding of the realities in life.
Belief in the Law of Kamma, not in superstitions.
We should possess a true understanding of the realities in life.
A true Buddhist must exhibit the following characteristics:
1) Belief in the Lord Buddha’s Enlightenment. It is the belief that He truly existed and possessed full insight, phenomenal knowledge, and the highest moral principles. Therefore, we should have no doubt of His pure and supreme wisdom.
2) Observation of the 5 precepts with purity. At the very least, we should try to observe the 5 precepts to guard ourselves against performing bad deeds.
3) Belief in the Law of Kamma, not in superstitions. We should possess a true understanding of the realities in life. We should be conscious of the effects of kamma: Whoever does good deeds will receive positive kammic effects, and whoever does evil deeds will receive negative kammic effects. Without a doubt, we should do only good deeds with all our might.
4) Not seeking merit outside Buddhism. We should not attempt to join other religious ceremonies in hopes for merit in return. We do not worship pictures of other religions; but, we should not show irreverence to them either. We also should not comment on any of the objects they worship. Throughout our lives, we must make an effort to support and maintain Buddhism.
5) Intentional purification of the mind. This can be done through the practice of generosity, observance of precepts, and meditation practice, following the right method in Buddhism.
Intentional purification of the mind.
Intentional purification of the mind.
“Why don’t we ask ourselves if we have exhibited the characteristics of a true Buddhist yet? If we have not, we should make haste in improving ourselves to meet those goals. As a matter of fact, we should embrace the value of Buddhist birth. If we become true Buddhists, we can prolong Buddhism for many years to come.”
As I finished reading the teachings of the respected senior mank, I decided to share them with my readers. Most importantly, they remind me of what it means to be a true Buddhist, and that I should repay my debt of gratitude to the Lord Buddha.



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