Being Responsible for Others in Society

As human beings, we have to live and work with others in society. We negatively affect society when we consider only what we want, what we like, and what we can accomplish.

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Meditation for Peace
Being Responsible for Others in Society  
Being Responsible for Others in Society 
     As human beings, we have to live and work with others in society. We negatively affect society when we consider only what we want, what we like, and what we can accomplish. Being responsible to society, not being self-centered, requires a generous mind. People who are capable of being responsible to society need to society need to be opened minded. Responsible people have to seek and obtain correct understanding. We there are many relationships and habits that develop amongst people in society. The feelings of love, anger, fear, and delusion occur differently in each individual. These feelings affect the way we treat people. Feelings may cause us to treat others unequally and thus unfairly. Love, anger, fear, and ignorance may lead us to unfair. When we do something wrong in our society, we need to reduce our ego in order to learn and improve. For example, we may kill others accidentally because of driving recklessly while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. Or we may scold our children, family, and friends because we cannot control our own emotions. We need to harness our ego in order to improve. Sometimes a guilty conscious is good if it reduces our ego because we are not always right as mentioned in the examples above. A guilty conscious does not humiliate people if the guilty try to correct their actions and improve. A guilty conscious sometimes moves many people to be more responsible for themselves and society. However, please keep in mind that it is never too late to forget the and start over again. Likewise, keeping the awareness of the guilt all the time disrupts the ability to move on. In conclusion, being responsible is how we learn to take control of our feelings and emotions. Being responsible is the way to treat others in our family and society correctly and properly.


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