Different kinds of Merits

There are two types of previously accumulated merit: https://dmc.tv/a11516

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 11 ก.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18265 ]
Meditation for Pecae
Different kinds of Merits
Merit from our distant past refers to the good deeds we accumulated in past lives until the day we were conceived in the womb for this life.
Merit from our distant past refers to the good deeds we accumulated in past lives until the day we were conceived in the womb for this life.
There are two types of previously accumulated merit:
1. Merit from our distant past refers to the good deeds we accumulated in past lives until the day we were conceived in the womb for this life.
2. Merit from our recent past refers to the good deeds we have accumulated from the moment we were born until today.
Merits that are from our distance past and, that have become fruitful in our present life, can be compared to delicious fruits. After their seeds are planted in the soil and the tree has grown, its plants produce delicious fruits.
If we have accumulated enough merit in the past, we will be, in this life, happy individuals who have pure thoughts and intelligence since our childhood. We will have a good appearance, physical strength and health.
If we accumulate even more merit in this lifetime, we will progress much more and quickly advancement in the next life.
Merit from our recent past refers to the good deeds we have accumulated from the moment we were born until today.
Merit from our recent past refers to the good deeds we have accumulated from the moment we were born until today.
However, if we disregard the performance of good deeds, we will be like a tree that does not grow and continue to its fullest potential.
Merit from the recent Past can be accumulated through various routes for example: taking our studies seriously, being diligent, ad only befriending the wise, practicing meditation and positive thinking from a young age. As a result, our speech, thoughts and quality of work are elevated and become purer. Once we become older, we will see the progress we have made in our lifetime.
Therefore, we all should accrue merit by doing good deeds from today onwards, so that we will gain intelligence and a bright future just as the Lord Buddha did. Everything the Buddha did was good and helped Him to accrue perfections in His past lives.
In His final life, the Lord Buddha paid attention to his studies from a young age. When He ordained, He devoted the rest of His life to keeping precepts and practicing meditation. This was how He attained enlightenment and became the Lord Buddha at only 35 years old.


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