Drinking Alcohol, Do We Need It?

I have heard many reasons for drinking: family problems, work problems, addiction, seductive advertising, society, health, curiosity, peer pressure, availability, and depression. https://dmc.tv/a10196

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
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Drinking Alcohol, Do We Need It?
No Alcohol for Bettle life 
Say No to Alcohol
       I have heard many reasons for drinking: family problems, work problems, addiction, seductive advertising, society, health, curiosity, peer pressure, availability, and depression.   I also have heard many reasons for not using drugs or drinking: waste of money, loss of control of the mind and moods, fighting, creation of many health problems, becoming notorious for acting poorly without shame (tarnishing your reputation), loss of memory, and loss of intelligence.   There are many ways to solve the above problems without cost such as through meditation, talking to monks or priests, exercising for better health, spending time with good friends, reading a good book, doing problems, short term and long term, that can arise from the use of drugs and drinking alcohol.  
No Alcohol for Health
     Taking drugs or drinking alcohol is what some people do in order to be fulfilled with temporary and (usually) inappropriate happiness. Taking alcohol or drugs can cause the worst sadness, if our uncontrollable thoughts, thoughts, speech, and actions negatively affect other people’s lives.   I once received an e-mail from a friend. At the beginning, the e-mail showed pictures of a girl when she was young until she was 19 years old. She was pretty as she grew up. However, in the subsequent pictures, I saw hideous pictures of a person. Later, the e-mail indicated that it was the pretty girl who got trapped in a car that was hit by a 17 year-old student who was a drunk driver. He was on his way home after drinking a couple of beers with his friends. The girl was burnt all over her body. She has gone through at least 40 operations, lost her hands, one of her eyelids, and other burnt organs causing her terrible and endless pain.  
Let Go No Drugs, No Alcohol
     The awful accident has tremendously saddened the driver who is now over 20 years old, the girl, and their families. I saw the picture showed he was crying. It has been over 3 years now, and he still cannot forgive himself. Because of that drunken moment, neither he nor anyone else can change her back to the pretty person she was. She will never be the same, although he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life, not even trading her life for his life will change anything. All he can do right now is tell people how drinking and driving has devastated his life. This sad accident occurred only because of his short moment of fun spent drinking.



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