Everyone’s goal of life can be classified into 3 levels : 3. Ultimate goal of life

An ultimate goal of life is aimed at the highest service for the greater good and for the benefit of everyone https://dmc.tv/a11691

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[ 26 ก.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18263 ]
Meditation for Peace
What is the goal of life?
Everyone’s goal of life can be classified
 into 3 levels : 3. Ultimate goal of life
 eradicate all ‘taints’ (worldly negativities) before being able to enter the path of Nirvana following Lord Buddha and his disciples.
eradicate all ‘taints’ (worldly negativities) before being able to enter the path of Nirvana following Lord Buddha and his disciples.
An ultimate goal of life is aimed at the highest service for the greater good and for the benefit of everyone. It means sacrificing and dedicating oneself to studying Dhamma and putting what you have learnt into action. It means to eradicate all ‘taints’ (worldly negativities) before being able to enter the path of Nirvana following Lord Buddha and his disciples.
Focusing on this life goal you will deserve only the greatest happiness in this life and being born into the heavenly realm after death.
Actually, everyone has to encounter suffering while the passions of our human life have not been eradicated yet. Suffering more or less depends on our kamma and we all have been reborn an incalculable number of times.
If we could collect and combine all our tears that we cry in each life from all our suffering, they would add up be much more than the water in the ocean! Our attachments or bonds, for worldly things would combine to be taller than the highest mountain.
 being born into the heavenly realm after death.
 being born into the heavenly realm after death.
So whoever can enter Nirvana, their sufferings will end. The people that are left behind will have to encounter the cycle of re-birth all over again. Again and again.
Even though the Lord Buddha himself, when he was a Bodhisattva, had to be born like us. The difference is that he designed his goal of life accurately; to eradicate his passions, and then he brought himself and the others to enter Nirvana. 
So, he dedicated himself to practice Dhamma very determinedly for many, many livers.
He never gave up what ever the obstacles and he would sacrifice even his life and soul to keep his goal, in order to enter Nirvana.
Eventually, the Lord Buddha received his spiritual attainment on the path to Nirvana.
We do not take it seriously if we have not yet dedicated ourselves to this level of the highest merits. Some people might not yet know that the ultimate goal of life is the path Nirvana. Some might already know about it however, they are too lazy to practice, or they started and stopped. So they have to continue to suffer in the cycle of re-births again and again.
Eventually, the Lord Buddha received his spiritual attainment on the path to Nirvana.
Eventually, the Lord Buddha received his spiritual attainment on the path to Nirvana.
Clearly a person who knows the true ultimate goal of life will quickly, without delays and purposefully, choose the right goal in life, which is the path towards Nirvana.
They will be generous, respectful, keep the precepts to maintain their body, speech and mind to be pure in order to remove the passions, prior to entering on the path of Nirvana. Then, all will receive infinite happiness as the Lord Buddha has.
‘Do not insult merits and hurry to step foreword following the Lord Buddha’s path. Even though, we help the others a lot but do not forget our own goals especially when we know what our goals are. Then we should hurriedly go for it.’
Anyone who set themselves up in life in a way that corresponds with these three levels of aim in life is said to be someone who has ‘set themselves up properly in life’.



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