Four Primary Faiths or Confidence

- Confidence in the working of the Law of Kamma10. - Belief in the result of Kamma, the consequences of one’s actions.

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 29 ก.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18262 ]
Meditation for Peace
Four Primary Faiths or Confidence
Belief in the enlightenment of the Lord Buddha.
Belief in the enlightenment of the Lord Buddha.
- Confidence in the working of the Law of Kamma10.
- Belief in the result of Kamma, the consequences of one’s actions.
It is the belief that doing good receives good and alter nately that doing bad receives bad.
Good refers to staying wise while working on something and reaching the objective morally correctly and with integrity.
Good attempt; it means making the right effort in order to succeed in the work.
Good as properly; maintaining a conscience by doing things-not too little and not too much but in a steady and balanced manner.
 Donating in order to overcome stinginess.
 Donating in order to overcome stinginess.
- Belief in the ownership of the consequences of one’s actions. It is a belief of merits and sin which are the result of good and bad actions and it ‘belongs’ or is carried forward from life time to life time, with that person forever.
- Belief in the enlightenment of the Lord Buddha.
1. Keep the precepts: At least try to keep the minimum of five precepts. (Please look at the Blessing 9)
2. Having heard much: Be specific, this means being diligent in the acquisition of knowledge both spiritual and worldly by listening to many teachings and putting them into practice.
3. Practice giving: This means being able to sacrifice and being generous for example;
- Donating in order to overcome stinginess. The result of giving is being loved by everyone.
-  Let go all our grudges and bad temper by forgiving others and trying to stay calm.
Training oneself in meditation
Training oneself in meditation
4. Training oneself in meditation
We need to train ourselves in meditation if we are to have any chance of attaining wisdom and reaching a peaceful mind.
The factors that cause instability in the goal of life are caused by and unclear mind, distracted by passions.
Practicing meditation is to practice helping the mind to gin more energy as well as becoming stronger and have more clarity.
Having a clear, energetic and strong mind helps in keeping life’s goal straight forward. Furthermore, it helps us to gain wisdom in setting the goal of life correctly, as well as doing what is naturally wise

Tag : วิดีโอ  peace  


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