killing, Is it necessary?

All creatures (animals and humans) love their lives. If we do not want to be hurt or killed then we can imagine that others do not want to be hurt or killed either. When I was younger, I heard Khun Yai Chandra taught that people must not kill even small creatures such as mosquitoes and ants.

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
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 Killing, Is it necessary? 
avoid any killing or hurting

All creatures (animals and humans) love their lives. If we do not want to be hurt or killed then we can imagine that others do not want to be hurt or killed either. When I was younger, I heard Khun Yai Chandra taught that people must not kill even small creatures such as mosquitoes and ants. She said mosquitoes eat only small amounts of our blood. The result of their eating is death. They merely hurt us, but we kill them. I did not realize then how not killing mosquitoes would be very important. However, I follow khun Yai Chandra’s teachings. After avoiding killing insects for a while, it became my habit. This habit changed my thought and made me feel afraid to kill even bigger animals. Now I avoid any killing or hurting. 
 Anger is the beginning of desire of the desire to hurt and kill. 
Once, I went out on a boat with a friend that likes to fish on Lake Superior, Michigan. I asked him if those fish were hurt when he tried to get the lure out of the fish’s mouth. He said “yes.” I thought the orthodontic treatment and the pain of the bands and braces in my mouth. I thought about the pain that the fish must feel when the lures are in their mouths. It must be more painful than my orthodontic treatments. I think many people fish for fun, but those fish do not feel the fun. They feel real pain. I now appreciate what Khun Yai Chandra taught. The more I avoid killing and hurting animals, the more I do not want to hurt humans.

 If we give good karma, we will get good karma in return.

Anger is the beginning of desire of the desire to hurt and kill. If I am not angry when a mosquito bites me, I can just chase it away or spray insect repellant to protect myself. If I were angry I would probably swat it right away. Taking other people’s lives has many bad effects. If someone is killed, people in his family will be very sad and angry and maybe seek revenge and so forth. A killer’s mind is usually rude and brave. Those who do not kill or hurt anybody will eventually be confident, gentle, and brave. Their minds will be more powerful and pure. They are not harmful to others. Thus, they will be loved, and no one will want to hurt or kill them. We do not need to kill. We will have thoughtful solutions to avoid this killing and hurting in our daily lives, when we do not want to kill and hurt others. Not killing and hurting is good karma. If we give good karma, we will get good karma in return. The one who does not kill is the one who both gives and receives life.


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