Looking for a Good Neighborhood

A good neighborhood is essential for living in peace. If our neighborhoods are noisy, dangerous, hot, do not have trees, and are crowded, we will not live in physical peace. https://dmc.tv/a10247

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Looking for a Good Neighborhood

  good neighborhood is essential for living in peace

A good neighborhood is essential for living in peace. If our neighborhoods are noisy, dangerous, hot, do not have trees, and are crowded, we will not live in physical peace. Being uncomfortable physically leads to being uncomfortable mentally. Therefore if possible, our homes and offices must be in good neighborhoods to comfort our lives and minds. A good neighborhood for living does not need to be in a high-income area, but it needs be safe and comfortable.
comfort our lives and minds
We spend most of our time outside our workplaces in our homes and some times we even work at home. Therefore, it is very important that we need to live in a good neighborhood. A good neighborhood can also facilitate the way we develop our professional and personal growth. For example, children from families in a good neighborhood should be able to play and learn things together. Wives and husbands should be able to have useful and fun activities to do or to share. This is largely because a good neighborhood is usually composed of good people. When good people are together, they tend to do things that will benefit themselves and other people who live nearby.

good neighborhood
The good neighborhood

Once, my friend told me that her neighbor screamed at her little children with insanity all the time. Those children are only about 2, 3, and 5 years old. It became annoying and she sometimes solved the problem by turning the stereo really loud and shutting her door. Good neighbors can create good neighborhoods and bad neighbors can potentially damage good neighborhoods.


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