Points for Consideration:

In many countries, there is growth in materialism, civilization and consumer goods, job availability and the ability to earn high salaries https://dmc.tv/a11436

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 4 ก.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18255 ]
 Meditation for Peace
Points for Consideration:
In many countries, there is growth in materialism, civilization and consumer goods
In many countries, there is growth in materialism, civilization and consumer goods
In many countries, there is growth in materialism, civilization and consumer goods, job availability and the ability to earn high salaries. Superficially, this can seem attractive for many people.
However, if we consider the fact that there is little or no presence of Dhamma, or any chance to progress the mind with understanding, then the true value of that location must be put to serious questioning. Reflecting on this, perhaps many citizens in a country described like this, on waking up in the morming, their minds with automatically are full with thoughts of work and not their spiritual life.
They do not have the time to think or perform merit making activities such as donations, preserving precepts, or meditating and praying.  
They do not have the time to think or perform merit making activities such as donations, preserving precepts, or meditating and praying. 
They do not have the time to think or perform merit making activities such as donations, preserving precepts, or meditating and praying. If they ever do think of it, there are very few people around to give advice on how to perform merit making activities or their importance in this life.
Therefore, although they are living their life, their progression spiritually, as a person is as if they are already ‘dead’, especially from the lack of moral virtue.
In a country like Thailand, although commercialism and materialism lags behind other countries, the Dhamma still thrives. Thais enjoy making donations, observing precepts and practicing meditation, therefore the merit of its citizens builds extremely fast.


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