
Once we know that accumulating good deeds is good for us, we should not procrastinate and neglect to do it regularly https://dmc.tv/a11587

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 18 ก.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18260 ]
Meditation for Peace
we should hurry to perform good deeds and study the truth about life.
we should hurry to perform good deeds and study the truth about life.
Once we know that accumulating good deeds is good for us, we should not procrastinate and neglect to do it regularly. Those who have accrued a lot of merit in the past and fail to do it in this lifetime are compared to a rice farmer who harvests all the rice without leaving seeds to plant more rice for the next season. Later on, he will no longer have any rice to sell.

keeping precepts, praying, and meditation regularly.

keeping precepts, praying, and meditation regularly.
Every good deed we have performed will come to fruition, even if it is not in this lifetime, merit will come in the next. It will mould us into becoming someone with a good heart.
Therefore, we should hurry to perform good deeds and study the truth about life. We need to train ourselves to be hard-workers, careful in out speech, produce quality in our work, and to have a pure mind. This can be done by keeping precepts, praying, and meditation regularly.


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