Ways to Make Merit

We should always remember that every single good act we perform constitutes merit. https://dmc.tv/a11550

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[ 14 ก.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18266 ]
Meditation for Peace
Ways to Make Merit
Meditations to pray, meditate, and read Dharma books regularly. Meditation enables us to become wiser.
Meditations to pray, meditate, and read Dharma books regularly. Meditation enables us to become wiser.
We should always remember that every single good act we perform constitutes merit.
But in order to make this concept easier to understand and put it in practice, the Lord Buddha divided the ways to make merit into ten:
1. Generosity to donate a part of our wealth and belongings to others who need it.
2. Precepts to pay attention to our behavior in body, speech, and mind. Never cause distress and problems to others and ourselves.
Humility to respect those who have Dharma.
Humility to respect those who have Dharma.
3. Meditations to pray, meditate, and read Dharma books regularly. Meditation enables us to become wiser.
4. Humility to respect those who have Dharma.
5. Service to assist others when they need assistance.
6. Transfer of Merit to always transfer the merit we accumulate to others
7. Rejoice in The Merits of Others to be happy that others have done good deeds.
Rejoice in The Merits of Others to be happy that others have done good deeds.
Rejoice in The Merits of Others to be happy that others have done good deeds.
8. Listen to Dhamma sermons learn about Dhamma leads to performing good deeds because it teaches people to observe the ways of whole someness.
9. Give discourses on Dhamma to always teach what is right to others.
10. Strainghten our views to look at ourselves and accept the things we need to change, for example personality/character.


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